


Rural Tourism's Social Impacts-An Analysis of Local Residents' Perceptions and Attitudes




湯幸芬(Hsing-Fen Tang);蔡宏進(Hong-Chin Tsai)


鄉村旅遊 ; 鄉村性 ; 旅遊地類型 ; 社區依附 ; 永續發展 ; Rural tourism ; rurality ; destination type ; community attachment ; sustainable development




18卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


73 - 96






Recently, the development of rural tourism in Taiwan has been associated closely with local characteristics. How does the rural tourism affect local residents? What determines this impact? How does this impact affect residents' attitudes toward rural tourism? All of these issues relate directly to sustainable tourism development. Paiho and Nanchuang, a seasonal style and a holiday style of rural tourism townships respectively, were selected as the study sites. A structural questionnaire was used to record the residents' opinions. Through examining local residents' perception, this study found several important social results which impacted rural tourism in Taiwan. These results included the infrastructure improvement, the increase of job opportunities, the increase of leisure time, decreased security, poor environmental conditions, cost of living increases, the improvement of norm and solidarity, the ruin of the value of land, the increase of the value of agriculture and the improvement of community image. This study also found that community attachment, the frequency of contact with tourists, and the destination type are significant factors the affecting local residents' perception. The economic benefits from tourism industry, the distance from the central tourist area, the frequency of contact with tourist, the leisure style of local residents, the destination type, and the perceptions of social impacts are important factors in determining the attitude toward social impacts. Furthermore, the community attachments and the attitude of community image are two significant factors affecting residents' attitude toward the future development of rural tourism. Finally, this study gives suggestion about: 1) maintaining the rurality of local tourism destination, 2) improving the community image, 3) raising community attachment, 4) increasing the frequency of contact with tourists and 5) considering the destination type are important effective strategies for making sustainable development of rural tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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