


The Influence of Lifestyle and Environmental Preference on Accommodation Site Choice




黃章展(Chang-Chan Huang);李維貞(Wei-Chen Li)


生活型態 ; 環境偏好 ; 選擇行爲 ; 住宿基地 ; lifestyle ; environmental preference ; choice behavior ; accommodation site




19卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


63 - 85






The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among lifestyle, environmental preference, and accommodation site choice. Lushan Hot Springs and Chingjing in Nantou County were selected as study areas. An on-site questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from visitors to the study areas and 442 valid questionnaires were obtained. Five lifestyle groups were identified based on cluster analyses in which the cluster variables were obtained from prior factor analyses. Environmental preference included individual and the overall environmental preference. There were several salient findings from the results of analyses. First, the relationship between lifestyle and accommodation site choice was not significant. Second, environmental preference was significantly related to accommodation site choice. Using environmental preference as the predictor of accommodation site choice, the accurate prediction rate reached 67.2% using a logistic regression. Third, lifestyle was significantly associated with environmental preference. There were significant differences among some of the five lifestyle groups in regard to the overall environmental preference for both Lushan Hot Springs and Chingjing.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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