


Exploring Consumer Behavior of Home Stay in Hualien County




王美慧(Mei-Huey Wang);陳瑞龍(Jui-Lung Chen);葉陳錦(Chen-Jin Ye)


民宿 ; 旅遊動機 ; 服務品質 ; 消費行爲 ; Home stay ; travel motive ; service quality ; consumer behavior




19卷4期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 30






The main purposes of this research are to observe the characteristics of home stay consumers (including consideration factors, information source, participants and the expenditures, etc.) in Hualien area. By analyzing consumer response to the environment, facility, security, and services of a pension, this research categorized different consumption patterns by consumer styles, and investigated the preferences and needs of the consumers. The result of this research can serve as a guideline for pension managers, as well as a reference for future business development. The result shows that all the three factors have statistically significant differences among the three types. In terms of variables in demographic statistics and consumption characteristics, significant difference exists only partially among the three types. On the motivation and satisfaction scale, some variables show significant difference. Most of them travel with friends, relatives and family members. In terms of information resources, Internet is the most often referred. Consumers are most satisfied with the room quality. The last part of this research attempts to offer suggestions on marketing, product design, as well as promotional strategies for these four different types of consumers. It also examines and comments on the present situation, price, marketing, and promotional strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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