


An Associated Analysis of Social Impact and Social Capital in Rural Tourism-A Case Study of Baiho's Lotus Festival




廖淑容(Shu-Jong Liau);古宜靈(Yi-Ling Ku);陳怡萍(Yi-Ping Chen)


鄉村觀光 ; 社會影響 ; 社會資本 ; 地方發展 ; 白河蓮花季 ; Rural tourism ; social impact ; social capital ; local development ; Baiho's Lotus Festival




19卷4期(2006 / 12 / 01)


31 - 63






Recently, the tourism development strategy has speeded up its influence and been emphasized in rural areas of Taiwan. The tourism has been regarded as a catalyst to recall social consciousness and push revitalization in rural areas. It also brings up opportunities to promote rural economy while facing the increasing competition in decades. However, the discussion of rural tourism development results in social impact and social capital, we try to emphasize such importance on studies of rural tourism by the case of Baiho town's Lotus Festival. According to the study results, the Lotus tourism of Baiho actually raised job opportunities and local economy as were perceived by residents. On the other hand, it inevitably influenced life qualities due to lacks of control on impacts of environment and society. By the way, a problem of cultural commodification also weakened Baiho's trustworthy tourism and the social capital; these points should be highlighted now. This study, based on arguments of social impact and social capital, tries to explore any possible and related influences in facing with resident's recognitions and attitudes towards Baihos rural tourism. It is also expected to propose issues and strategies to deal with a predicament of sustainable Baiho's Lotus Festival. Apparently, it is important for the sustainable development of the Baiho's Lotus Tourism to concern the effects on the residents and keep the lotus's cultural value as well.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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