


Measurement of Tourists' Perceived Images of a Hot Spring Destination: The Case of Gu-Guan




林宗賢(Chung-Hsien Lin);侯錦雄(Jing-Shoung Hou)


溫泉旅遊渡假區意象 ; 身心健康 ; 後殖民主義 ; Hot spring destination image ; wellness ; post-colonialism




20卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


79 - 99






Researchers have made great efforts to examine the aspects of tourists' destination image, but few have attempted to address tourists' perceived images of a hot spring destination. The purposes of this study are to develop the measurement scales of hot spring destination images, to examine empirically the Gu-Guan hot spring destination image, and to answer the question whether or not the distinct dimensions of a hot spring destination image actually exist. In this study the free elicitation technique and on-site questionnaire are administered to collect data. The results obtained from exploratory factor analysis indicate that the Gu-Guan hot spring destination image consists of four distinct dimensions labeled: well-being, atmosphere, experiences of hot spring facility, and cultural impact. Of these four dimensions, well-being and cultural impact are mostly agreed upon by respondents. Subsequently, the results obtained from confirmatory factor analysis reveal that the discriminant validity and convergent validity of the four dimensions are reasonably accepted. The findings confirm that the multifaceted nature of a destination image can be used as an efficient tool for hot spring destinations marketing. In addition, the findings theoretically extend the insights into the Japanese cultural impact on tourists' perceived images of a hot spring destination. That is, the formation of hot spring destination images in tourism development of Taiwan reflects the nature of postcolonial culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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