When recreational participants have negative experiences, such as crowding and recreation conflicts, coping behaviors may be adopted to cope with those negative experiences. The purposes of this study were to investigate visitors' coping behaviors during the Yang Ming Shan Flower Festival, and explore the relationships among stress, coping behaviors, and satisfaction. Based on literature, the recreational coping strategies include displacement, product shift, and rationalization. The study results indicated that over 60% of visitors perceived traffic congestion, crowding, or recreation conflict, but the mean of satisfaction is still higher than the intermediate. Stress negatively correlates with satisfaction; visitors with different stress levels adopt different coping strategies; in addition, intention of behavior coping strategies negatively correlate with satisfaction and cognitive coping strategies do not significantly correlate with satisfaction. Based on the study results, it was suggested that resource managers should note how visitors cope with negative experiences and on-site satisfaction surveys are not a good indicator of recreational quality, because the on-site surveys cannot reach those visitors who have adopted place displacement and visitors may maintain their satisfaction though cognitive coping strategies. Therefore, managers may misunderstand the recreational quality, which may end with the resources becoming worse.
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