


The Examination on Transition of Agriculture Regime in Taiwan from Post-Productivism Perspectives-Leisure Farms Case of Taken Area in the Taichung City




梁炳琨(Bang-Kuen Liang)


後生產主義轉型 ; 休閒農園 ; 農業食物 ; Post-productivist transition ; leisure farm ; agro-food




21卷3期(2008 / 09 / 01)


49 - 80






The post-productivist transition has been an important rural development issue since its appearance in England, Europe and Australia in middle 1980s. In agricultural policies and practices, it is generally regarded as an evolutionary process from agriculture production toward sustainable agriculture. However, has Taiwan shown the post-productivist transition? As far as actor orientation is concerned, how does post-productivist transition happen? Both issues will be explored in this study. Firstly, this study explores the situation of Taiwan's agriculture post-productivist transition. Secondly, three orchards, which are located in the Taken Area in Taichung City, are selected for this study. All of them have been transformed into leisure farms successfully. This study discovers three points. 1. Based on Taiwan's contexture, there is a tendency toward post-productivist transition in Taiwan's rural development. 2. It is the key point in post-productivist transition to connect agro-food production and food consumption at local farms. The place identity, which is formed by producers during farm transition process, promotes sustainable agriculture development. 3. Restaurants in leisure farms offer females the opportunities to participate in farm work and establish self-identity.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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