


A Study on Causal Relationships among Recreation Involvement, Place Dependence, and Place Identity: A Case of Recreation Bikers at Tong-Fon Bikeway Green Corridor




戴有德(You-De Dai);陳冠仰(Kuan-Yang Chen);李素馨(Su-Hsin Lee)


遊憩自行車使用者 ; 遊憩涉入 ; 場所依戀 ; Recreation bikers ; recreation involvement ; place attachment




21卷4期(2008 / 12 / 01)


27 - 57






Recreation bicycling is a recreation activity for everyone, and therefore, it is very important for each specific department to build attractive and practical bikeways. The purpose of this study is to explore relationships between the users' recreation involvement (attraction, self expression, and centrality of lifestyle) of bicycle activities, and the users' sense of attachment (place dependence and place identity) to a specific place. This study uses SEM to develop an effective and robust structure model of recreation involvement and place attachment, including test place dependence as a mediating variable. In addition, a measurement equivalence/ invariance (ME/I) approach was applied to analyze the differences of visiting frequencies (local and non-local groups) within the structure model. In this study, 600 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to recreation bikers on the Tong-Fon bikeway green corridor, 553 questionnaires were usable. The survey response rate was 92.17%. According to the findings, the theoretical constructs and hypotheses are mostly supported, however, no evidence was significant for the attraction on place identity. In addition, this study notes that the latent means of local group, in each construct, were higher than in non-local groups, while supporting no significant differences in the structural models of the two groups. Finally, the results are explored for implications of management and suggestions for future study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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