


"Exploring the Meanings, Constructing the Process": The Paradigms Conflict and Debate in Leisure Studies




陳渝苓(Yu-Ling Chen)


質性研究 ; 方法論 ; 方法學 ; 質量方法辯論 ; Qualitative research ; methodology ; method ; QQB




22卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


1 - 19






The rise of qualitative methodology has contributed different research perspectives in leisure studies and endowed traditional social issues with new thinking approaches. It not only sheds light on the social theory, but also further provides the in-depth explanation toward the multiplicity of social phenomenon and behaviors. However, there are many academic critiques and discussion regarding the utilization of qualitative strategy in leisure-related researches, especially when some major concerns of qualitative methods contradict the quantitative method that has been regarded as the dominant scientific approach in the past few decades. Scholars who intend to resolve this confusion in early period usually fell into the trap of traditional qualitative-quantitative debate (QQB) and only focused on the inconsistency occurred in the instrumental level of methodology. The unawareness of the methodological paradigm thus resulted ineffectual debates among scholars with opposite views. Due to this reason, this study aimed to justify the crucial role of qualitative methodology in this postmodern age, elucidate how qualitative approach was adopt in leisure-related studies, and further clarify the argument of QQB occurred in the current academic society of Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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