


Reexamining on a General Model of Tourists' Destination Choices: The Case of Heritage Tourists




林宗賢(Chung-Hsien Lin);王維靖(Wei-Ching Wang);劉沛瑜(Pei-Yu Liu);王乃玉(Nai-Yu Wang)


旅遊決策模式 ; 懷舊意象 ; 場所依戀 ; 重遊行爲意圖 ; 交易/關係行銷 ; Tourist's destination choice model ; nostalgic image ; place attachment ; revisiting behavioral intention ; transaction/relationship marketing




22卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


81 - 104






Previous research on a general model of tourists' destination choices has, for the most part, treat tourists' revisiting behavioral intentions as a cognitive outcome; however, few studies further explore whether or not the cognitive perspective of a general model is stable for various types of tourist. The purposes of this study are to examine empirically whether a proposed model integrating with nostalgic image and place attachment as the antecedents of revisiting behavioral intentions equally fits the frist-time and repeat heritage tourists or not. In this study on-site questionnaire survey is administered to collect data regarding tourists' visitations to Jinguashi and Jiufen heritage destinations. The results indicate that first timers' revisiting behavioral intentions are influenced by nostalgic image; however, repeaters' intentions are primarily impacted by place attachment. The findings suggest that first timers focusing information need tend to form transactional intentions; however, repeaters emphasizing psychological affection tend to form relational intentions. Theoretically, the findings extend the current insights of a general model of tourists' destination choices from cognitve to transactional/relational intentions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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