


Does Nostalgia Emotion Need Authenticity in Heritage Tourism? Also on the Moderating Role of Interpretation Service




戴有德(You-De Dai);林濰榕(Wei-Rong Lin);陳冠仰(Kuan-Yang Chen)


真實性知覺 ; 懷舊情感 ; 解說 ; 襲產觀光 ; Authenticity ; nostalgia emotion ; interpretation ; heritage tourism




23卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


61 - 86






The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between authenticity and nostalgia emotion of tourists, as well as clarify the moderating effect of interpretation service in the relationship of authenticity and nostalgia emotion. 364 valid questionnaires were collected from visitors in history area of Tahsi, Lukang, and Sinhua. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate a model linking authenticity and nostalgia emotion. As expected, formation of nostalgia emotion actually needs authenticity. The results show that visitors having greater authenticity lead to higher nostalgia emotion. The findings further revealed that interpretation would moderate the relationship of authenticity on nostalgia emotion. The authenticity of visitors who participated in interpretation will evoke greater nostalgia emotion than who haven’t participated in interpretation. Finally, the results proposed implications of management and suggestions for further study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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