As medical progress and affluence of life, the population with disabilities is also increasing year by year. According to MOI statistics, as of 2010, the end of June, the National Disabled Handbook obtained by 1,064,339 people, 4.6% of the total population, of which, 36.5% physical disability are for the majority, while the autistic are relatively more than 11.1% increase in 2010. Government's annual budget on social welfare benefits are about more than 10.56 billion NT dollars, among which the majority are for living allowance, of about 75.8%. However, these obstacles are presented to the physical and psychological problems in receiving medical care provided by health insurance, in addition, there are more and more people are choosing alternative therapies. The first choice is recreational therapy; equestrian therapy shall be one of recreational therapy. Equestrian therapy is dealing with body movements as the main object; its efficacy is common in all major medical and rehabilitation journals in the United States, Britain, Germany and other countries. The implementation of equestrian therapy does have a sophisticated training program, the implementation of curriculum, accreditation, etc.
In comparison, the treatment of implementation of the equestrian venues, coaching qualifications, curriculum and other standards with the object and effect is pretty uneven in Taiwan. This study, in addition to providing understanding of the domestic horse farm equestrian activities, also investigates whether there is provision of equestrian-related disabilities treatment activities outside of leisure experiences? The coaching qualification, site planning, and curriculum design status, views of receiving treatments of equestrian therapy are also explored by the researchers. Study involved in-depth interviews on 44 horse field and three parents of the subject receiving the equestrian therapy. The results showed that the majority of Taiwan's horse fields (84%) provide equestrian activities only on leisure experience, teaching, sports, of which only 7 horse fields to provide equestrian therapy, in the 7 horse fields; only 2 of them are set up for the purpose of equestrian therapy. Only three qualified therapists obtain professional certification of equestrian therapy overseas. The implementation of equestrian therapy is biased to therapeutic horseback riding; the majority of subjects are people with cerebral palsy. Parents and people implement equestrian therapy agreed that receiving equestrian therapy treatment can reduce muscle tension, improve joint angle normalization, and make significant progress on postural control. This study is the first pilot study of the current status and the treatment of recreational equestrian activities in Taiwan. The results could be used to enhance the functionality of the domestic horse fields, and serve as their diversification of the management reference.
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