Colors play an important role in our daily life, so the effect of landscape color on people's landscape preference has long been discussed. However, the main problem found in related studies is the quantification of color. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of landscape color on people's preferences for natural landscape. Lab color space is used to quantify color qualities, including Hue, Brightness, Chroma and the variance of color. A series of natural landscape pictures are used as stimuli in this study, the preference of each picture is evaluated by the participants and the color qualities of each picture in Lab color space is measured by software. The result shows that people's landscape preference is negative correlated to L, but positive correlated to a, aS.D., b^2, and Chroma in Lab color space. According to the results, people tend to prefer natural landscape which is darker in Brightness, more red, yellow or blue in Hue, more colorful in Saturation and more red-green variances in color.
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