


A Comparison of Models of Food Experiences, Novelty, Barriers, and Revisiting Behavioral Intentions to Aboriginal Cuisine across Tourists with Decision-making Style: The Cases of Rational and Hedonic Tourists




林宗賢(Chung-Hsien Lin);王乃玉(Nai-Yu Wang)


刺激來源 ; 旅遊決策風格 ; 市場區隔 ; 飲食觀光 ; Stimulus source ; Tourists' decision-making styles ; Market segments ; Culinary tourism




24卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


51 - 74






Except for a few valuable contributions to conceptual studies on food experience few empirical studies explore the effects of antecedents of food experience on various tourists' revisiting behavioral intensions. The purpose of this study is to compare a proposed model intergrating the relationships among tourist's food experience, novelty, barrier, and revisiting behavioral intension to aboriginal cuisine for tourists with decision-making style. A total of 510 tourists at Ma-Ti-An aboriginal destination in Hualein are administered an onsite questionnaire. Of these, 322 are used to analyize in this study. The results reveal that food experiences for rational tourists are affected by both novelty and barriers. Conversely, food experiences for hedonic tourists are only affected by novelty. The findings theoretically extend the insights into the role of stimulus source in the understandings of different decision-making style tourists' revisiting behavioral intentions. Practically, antecedents of food experience directing to the various tourists with decision-making style will be a more effective marketing strategy for aboriginal culinary tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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