


The Influence of Authenticity toward Tourism Image, Sense of Place and Behavioral Intention after Visiting in Mining Heritage Tourism




曾慈慧(Tzuhui A. Tseng);沈進成(Ching-Cheng Shen);陳麗如(Li-Ju Chen)


真實性 ; 觀光意象 ; 地方感 ; 遊後行爲意圖 ; 黃金博物園區 ; Authenticity ; Tourism image ; Sense of place ; Behavioral intention after visit ; Gold Ecological Park




24卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


79 - 111




九○年代後,文化遺產觀光已成爲重要的旅遊型態之一。觀光地點的真實性感受,成爲遊客體驗旅遊的重要因素。過去真實性之研究多以質化方式進行探討,本研究以金瓜石黃金博物館爲調查地點,旨從量化調查遊客面來剖析真實性如何影響遊客的觀光意象、地方感和遊後行爲意圖。利用Lisrel 8.52軟體以結構方程式作爲資料分析方法,以便利抽樣法收集了384份有效問卷,主要變項中的真實性由「本山五坑體驗」、「環境館」、「淘金活動體驗」、「日式建築」、「園區氛圍」、「黃金館」及「煉金樓」七個測量變項構成;觀光意象則分爲「在地資源特色」、「旅遊特性與氛圍」、「情感意象」三變項;地方感之問項分爲「地方認同」、「地方依附」、「地方依賴」三類;遊後行爲意圖則分爲「重遊」、「推薦」、「付費意願」三測量變項。所得主要結果如下:一、遊客之真實性感受直接顯著影響觀光意象的形成,其中,「園區氛圍」、「環境館」及「黃金館」是遊客心中真實性建構之最主要來源。二、真實性對地方感具有直接顯著之影響,觀光意象爲兩者之重要中介,產生之間接影響力遠勝於直接影響。三、真實性不會單獨影響遊後行爲意圖,但透過觀光意象與地方感爲中介則會產生正向影響,且地方感的中介效果大於觀光意象。四、觀光意象會直接顯著影響地方感的產生,而觀光意象之建構主要來自「在地礦業及美景之資源特色」。五、觀光意象不會直接影響遊後行爲意圖,需透過地方感之中介,始有正向影響。六、地方感能直接正向影響遊後行爲意圖,而地方感之建構主要來自地方依附。提升遺產的真實性可以獲得更高的觀光意象,透過意象塑造以行銷、強化地方特色及地方感的連結與增強,都是讓遊客提高園區真實感並產生更深度遺產互動方法。


Cultural heritage tourism had become an important tourism type in 90's. The role of perceived authenticity in a destination now is as determinant of tourist experience on tour. Previous studies of tourism authenticity were mostly in the way of qualitative method to collect data; few were use different way to collect tourist's perception of authenticity. This study from tourist's demand side focus on how the perceived authenticity to influence tourist's tourism image, sense of place and intention behavior by using the case of Golden Ecological Park, Jinguashi, Taiwan. Therefore, the data collected by quantative method.Lisrel 8.52 software used to test the structure equation model, and a convenience sample of 384 visitors was selected for the survey. The perceived authenticity was rated for the museum environment and generalized activity of 7 items such as ”Benshan Tunnel No.5 tunnel experience”, ”Environmental Building”, ”Pan for gold experience”, ”Japanese style residence”, ”Atmosphere in the park”, ”Museum of Gold ”and ”Gold-refining building”. The tourism image was measured by three naming categories of ”Local resource”, ”Travel and impression” and ”Emotional image”. The ”Place identity”, ”Place attachment” and ”Place dependence” three concepts were indicated to sense of place. The behavioral intention after visiting divided as three measurement variables-revisiting, recommendation and willing to pay. The study results are as followed:1. The model revealed that perceived authenticity is significantly and positively related to the tourism image. ”Atmosphere in the park”, ”Environmental Building” and ”Museum of Gold” are the significant measurement variables to perceived authenticity.2. Authenticity perception has significantly positive related to sense of place, and tourism image is the important mediate variable between these two variables.The indirect relationship is stronger than the direct relationship.3. Authenticity perception does not simply influence the behavioral intention after visiting, but it is through tourism image and sense of place these two mediate variables to result the positive influence, and the mediated effect of sense of place is stronger than tourism image.4. Tourism image has significantly and positively related to sense of place, and the main effect measurement variable of tourism image is from ”Local mining and scenic resource”.5. Tourism image does not cause significantly positive influence to behavioral intention after visiting, it needs to through sense of place to be mediate then has positive influence.6. Sense of place has positive influence to behavioral intention after visiting, and the measurement variable of place attachment construct the sense of place.The authenticity perception of heritage can cause higher tourism image. Promotion of the tourism image by marketing, stretch the local characteristic, and connection of sense of place, all will promote the authenticity and make tourist deeper interaction between heritage.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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