


How to Capture the Hearts of Fans? An Application of Experiential Marketing for Spectator Sports in Taiwan




呂惠富(Huei-Fu Lu)


體驗型態 ; 體驗滿意 ; 球迷忠誠度 ; 結構方程模式 ; Types of experiences ; Experiential satisfaction ; Fans' loyalty ; Structural equation modeling (SEM)




24卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


29 - 52




本研究目的主要在探討由體驗媒介(experience providers, ExPros)所形成的五種體驗型態,如何影響台灣觀賞性運動球迷現場觀賽之體驗滿意及球迷忠誠度。根據體驗行銷與消費者行為理論建構出體驗型態、體驗滿意及球迷忠誠度之關係模型後,於2009-2010年中華職棒、超級籃球聯賽、大專籃球聯賽及高中籃球聯賽之例行賽現場觀眾中抽取1671位有效便利樣本進行問卷調查,透過結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)驗證理論模式之適配性,並分別探討五種體驗對球迷體驗滿意與球迷忠誠度的影響。結果顯示體驗滿意對球迷忠誠度有正向顯著的因果關連,但四種觀賞性運動之球迷體驗型態對體驗滿意與球迷忠誠度影響的路徑與顯著性皆各不相同,隱含在操作體驗行銷策略時,需依觀賞性運動屬性的不同而強調不同體驗的形成,才能帶給球迷體驗滿意並強化其忠誠度。


This study was to explore the impacts of five types of experiences formed by the experience providers (ExPros) on fans' experiential satisfaction and loyalty for four spectator sports in Taiwan. The theoretical structural relationship among the five types of experiences, fans' experiential satisfaction and loyalty were established by the theoretical framework of experiential marketing and consumer behavior. There were 1671 valid respondents collected from the regular games of 2009-2010 season including CPBL, SBL, UBA, and HBL via a convenience sampling method. The study used structural equation modeling (SEM) that allowed for the simultaneous estimation and test of the relationship of five experiences, fans' experiential satisfaction and loyalty. The goodness of fit and the accuracy of the measures for the conceptualized structural model were also identified. The results showed that there existed strong and positive relationships between fans' experiential satisfaction and loyalty by significant standardized regression coefficients. However, the significances and the impact paths for the effects of five types of experiences on fans' experiential satisfaction and loyalty had nothing in common with each other. It implied that the manipulation of experiential marketing strategies in terms of ExPros should emphasize the various formations of experiences in accordance with the attributions of spectator sports, so that it could bring fans with experiential satisfaction and then strengthen their loyalty.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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