


Tourism and Environmental Vulnerability: SMEs' Concerns and Actions




劉怡君(Abby Liu);顏珮玲(Pei-Ling Yen)


環境脆弱指數 ; 觀光中小型企業 ; 創業 ; 民宿業 ; 氣候變遷 ; Environmental vulnerability index ; Tourism SMEs ; Entrepreneurship ; Homestay sector ; Climate change




25卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


93 - 122




觀光產業快速成長,並且已成為全球上主要支柱經濟體之一,其中尤以中小企業為主要觀光服務的提供者。但是觀光產業卻是相對脆弱的產業,尤其是島嶼觀光更是面臨嚴峻的全球環境變化的衝擊。然而環境惡化、氣候變遷對於觀光產業的影響或是觀光產業造成的環境衝擊等議題卻仍未被廣泛研究探討。回應此研究缺口,本計畫致力於調查觀光中小型企業對於環境脆弱度的敏感性以及調適策略的做法。以近年在台灣的蓬勃成長的民宿產業為本研究對象,使用問卷調查法,發放269份問卷予澎湖、蘭嶼、綠島之合法民宿業者。回收155份有效問卷,回收率為57.6%。結果顯示「不想受僱」,與「足夠資金」為業者投入民宿業主因素;民宿業者的創業類型依資源利用、潛質能力、網絡關係三大層面為分群基礎可區分為「卓識群」(visionaries, n=45)、「執行群」(operators, n=34)、「跟隨群」(followers, n=42)等三類。民宿業者認為「人為干擾」、「漁獲過量捕捉」、「保育條款與照護不足」為主要造成環境脆弱原因;尤其對於『資源與服務』與『人口成長』類所誘發的環境脆弱最顯憂慮。「宣導環境保育」、「學習新知」與「改善民宿設施」被視為面臨環境脆弱問題的優先工作項目。建議業者以學習、聯盟與合作方式加強因應變化的行動力。政府單位在環境保護的法律制定面應改善不足之處,加速建立環境生態警戒系統,提供即時資訊,並輔導民宿業者改善經營方式,以因應全球暖化所帶來的威脅。


Tourism represents as a promising sector and serves as a pillar industry globally. The small and medium enterprises (SMEs), in particular, comprise the main service providers in tourism. Tourism business is vulnerable, especially for those island destinations. But confronted by increasing threats brought by environmental deteriorations or climate change and tourism impacts on such phenomena, corresponding research efforts are still lacking. In response to this negligence, the study maneuvered to explore SMEs' concerns towards and actions to environmental vulnerability issues.Homestay sector was chosen because of increasing proliferation and operators in three offshore islands, Pescadores, Orchid Island and Green Island, were targeted. Among 269 questionnaires distributed, 155 valid copies were secured, accounting for a response rate of 57.6%. Results indicate that ”do not want to work for others” and ”sufficient funds” were main reasons which facilitated operators' entry to the homestay venture. Based on ”resources acquisition”, ”potential capacity” and ”networking” as cluster variables, homestay operators with shared entrepreneurial characteristics were grouped into three clusters of ”visionaries”, ”operators”, ”followers”. Operators were most concerned about the threats derived from ”risks of human conflicts”, ”excessive fisheries capture” and ”limited environmental management and stewardship” to the vulnerability of environmental. Impacts generated by ”resource and service” and ”human populations” types of influences were seen as the most significant factors contributing to the deterioration of local environment. ”Advocating environmental conservation”, ”learning the-state-of-art knowledge” and ”improving homestay facilities” were identified as priority tasks in responding to environmental vulnerability issues. Homestay operators are encouraged to more actively participate in training and education as well as in relevant organizations for enhancing capacities to adapt to and prepare for environmental changes. There requires more efforts on the part of government to provide sound policies, effective alert system and consultations to help reinforce homestay operators' capacity with respects to environmental changes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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