


Antecedents and Consequences of Recreationist- Environment Fit: A Study of Mt. Yushan Climbers




曹勝雄(Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur);林濰榕(Wei-Rong Lin)


遊憩者-遊憩環境契合度 ; 個人前因 ; 環境前因 ; 遊憩結果 ; Recreationist-environment fit ; Person-related antecedents ; Environment-related antecedents ; Recreationists outcomes




25卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


79 - 98




遊憩者-遊憩環境契合度(R-E fit)是描述遊憩者與所屬環境之間的互動。先前研究已證實R-E契合度存在於遊憩參與。然而,目前對於R-E契合度的瞭解僅限構念本身,其形成原因及對遊憩者的影響仍缺乏著墨。因此,本研究試圖結合個人與環境觀點探討R-E契合度的因果模式。調查對象為玉山國家公園主峰步道上的登山客,有效問卷共309份。用SEM進假設檢定。結果指出,個人前因的熟悉感與自我效能皆正向影響R-E契合度。環境前因中,恢復性環境特徵正向影響R-E契合度。遊憩環境困擾中的管理困擾負向影響R-E契合度,社會困擾則無顯著影響。同時,R-E契合度正向影響遊憩者的心流體驗、遊憩滿意與目的地忠誠。本文亦提出若干管理意涵、研究限制與未來研究方向之建議。


Recreationist-environment fit (R-E fit) is used to describe the interaction between recreationists and recreation environments. Previous research has demonstrated that R-E fit existed in recreation context indeed. However, regarding understanding of R-E fit was merely on conceptualization of construct itself so far. The antecedents and consequences of R-E fit are still sparse; therefore, this study proposed a causal model of R-E fit from the integrated perspective of person and environment. Data were collected from recreationists who climbed main peak of Mt. Yushan on Yushan National Park, 309 valid questionnaires were obtained. Using structural equation modeling approach, the results revealed that the person-related antecedents (i.e., familiarity and self-efficacy) have significant positive impact on the R-E fit. In term of the environmental antecedents, restorative characteristic of setting has significant positive impact on the R-E fit. Management hassles which is one of two dimensions of recreation hassles has significant negative impact on the R-E fit, but social hassles, another dimension, did not generate a significant impact on the R-E fit. In addition, R-E fit has significant positive impact on recreationists' flow experience, satisfaction, and destination loyalty. Implications, limitations and suggestions for future research are also discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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