


Exploring the Emotional Experiences of Agritourists: From a Tourist Perspective




林若慧(Jo-Hui Lin);張德儀(Te-Yi Chang);陳垗鄄(Siow-Kian Tan)


情緒 ; 體驗 ; 農場 ; Emotion ; Experience ; Farm




26卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 29






This study constructs a model of emotional experience from the tourist perspective in farms. Fifteen tourists were interviewed using the principles of theoretical sampling. Qualitative methods including on-site participant observation, non-participant observation, informal interviews, and in-depth interviews were used, which allowed us to apply the grounded theory method to investigate tourists' emotional experiences based on the cognitive appraisal theory of emotions. Three conditions were found to affect the interactive experience process of tourists: (1) ”farm-scapes”, consisting of ambient factors and design factors; (2) attributes of experiential activities, consisting of basic attributes, advantageous attributes, and enhancing attributes; and (3) service encounter and interaction, consisting of perceived control, caring, authenticity, and professionalism. The active process refers to the expected needs satisfied by the tourists’ experiences (i.e., basic, social, and intellectual needs), and the consequences of emotional experiences perceived by the tourists (i.e., comfort, joy, immersion, and stimulation). The emotional experience model proposed by this study may provide suggestions that recreational farms can adopt when designing experiential activities to further meet tourists' experiential needs. The three propositions proposed here may be useful in guiding further study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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