


The Influence of Browsing Experience on Attitudes toward Travel Destinations and Intention of Loyal Behavior toward Blogs-Considering the Moderating Effects of On-site Travel Experience




李淑芳(Su-Fang Lee);陳首志(Shou-Jr Chen)


瀏覽體驗 ; 旅遊目的地態度 ; 部落格忠誠行為意向 ; 現地旅遊體驗 ; Browsing experience ; Attitude toward travel destination ; Loyalty behavioral intention to blog ; On-site travel experience




26卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


103 - 139




隨著網路社交媒體的迅速發展,部落格成為企業與消費者重要的溝通橋樑,企業必須正視部落格與顧客互動所帶來的影響效果,企業如何有效經營部落格已成重要議題。本研究以瀏覽過「新社旅遊家」部落格之使用者為研究對象,探討瀏覽體驗對旅遊目的地態度與部落格忠誠行為意向之影響,同時探討使用者曾經去過新社之現地旅遊體驗在瀏覽體驗對旅遊目的地態度影響之干擾效果。本研究使用AMOS 17軟體以線性結構模式來驗證理論模式,抽樣此部落格397份樣本進行實證分析,實證結果顯示:(1)「瀏覽體驗」正向影響「旅遊目的地態度」、「部落格忠誠行為意向」。(2)「旅遊目的地態度」正向影響「部落格忠誠行為意向」。(3)「現地旅遊體驗」在「瀏覽體驗」對「旅遊目的地態度」之影響具有干擾效果。因此旅遊部落管理者應讓使用者有良好之瀏覽體驗,並鼓勵使用者分享現地旅遊經驗,以有效結合虛擬情境之瀏覽體驗與現地旅遊體驗,最後討論觀光行銷業者之旅遊部落格行銷策略及學術未來的研究方向。


Following the rapid development of social media on the World-Wide-Web social, blogs have become an important platform to bridge the gap between enterprises and consumers; it has been shown that enterprises must take into account the effects of interaction between blogs and customers, thus, how enterprises should operate blog has become a key issue to business success. Firstly, this study constructs a blog named ”Shinshe Traveler”; and then the established blog is used to explore the influence of ”browsing experience” on the ”attitude toward travel destination” and ”behavioral intention caused by loyalty to blog”. Then, it investigates the moderating effects of ”on-site travel experience” of users who have personally visited Shinshe on their ”browsing experience” and ”attitude toward travel destination”. AMOS 17 software is utilized in the SEM analyses. A total number of 397 samples are collected to carry out empirical analysis; the results show that: (1) ”browsing experience” positively affects ”attitude toward travel destination” and ”behavioral intention caused by loyalty to blog”; (2) ”attitude toward travel destination” positively affects ”behavioral intention caused by loyalty to blog”; (3) ”on-site Travel Experience” has moderating effects on the influence of ”browsing experience” and ”attitude toward travel destination”. Therefore, it is suggested that travel blogs enable viewers to enjoy profound browsing events, and encourage viewers to share their on-site travel experience. Finally, a marketing strategy for tourism agents using travel blogs and future academic research issues are proposed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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