


Studies of Open Campus Policy and Relevant Ordinances




汪耀文(Yao-Wen Uang)


修正式雙階理論 ; 規費 ; 成本效能分析 ; 法位階 ; 學校設施使用契書 ; Modified two-phase theory ; Charges/fees ; Cost effectiveness analysis ; Rank of law ; Contracts of using school facilities




27卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


1 - 30






This study viewed the four dimensions of policy, principle of law, regulation, and operating procedures of domestic campus opening and application for using venues and facilities, and analyzed their appropriateness by means of a legal dogmatic approach. This study also evaluated the feasibility of an open campus policy through a "Cost Effectiveness Analysis". Due to varying degrees of concern, two categories about these decree "Self-Government Ordinances" and "Legal Orders". Discretionary use of public areas about campus open space policy is subjected to the public law relationship. Applying and using procedures for specific areas do not belong to single functional law relationships. The first half of the procedures, such as approval or rejection of an application for use and payment belongs to public law events, "administrative sanction", and the last half of the procedures, such as concluding contracts of using school facilities and fulfillment, could be attributed to another public law event, "administrative contract". The controversies could be solved by administrative litigation in accordance with a functional law system between administrative sanction and contract in order to protect a user's constitutional right of action. This paper proposed an analysis of related topics concerning campus opening policies and ordinances. Lastly, based on research conclusions, this paper recommended measures to serve as a reference in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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