


Tourism Development and Cultural Preservation of the Tsou Tribe Tapangu Village in Alishan from the Perspective of Authenticity and Tourism Attraction




李美芬(Mei-Fen Lee);謝宗恒(Chung-Heng Hsieh);王俞淵(Yu-Yuan Wang);李彥希(Yan-Xi Li)


部落觀光 ; 鄒族 ; 真實性 ; 舞台真實性 ; 觀光吸引力 ; Indigenous tourism ; Tsou ; Authenticity ; Staged authenticity ; Tourism attraction




28卷3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


1 - 35






The Tapangu Village is characterized by rich natural landscapes, ecology, participation in the forest industry, and the indigenous cultural resources of the Tsou Tribe. The village has become a crucial tourism attraction in the Alishan region. Policy development, economic demand, and tourism development have changed the image of the traditional village in diverse aspects. We conducted in-depth interviews with villagers of the Tsou Tribe, and tourists. We determined that tourists have developed varying degrees of misunderstanding toward the Tsou Tribe cultures by analyzing the image of authenticity of the tribe and tourism attraction as perceived by tourists. Studies on tourism attraction facilitate understanding and needs to develop tribal tourism. The Tapangu Village of the Tsou Tribe should emphasize the preservation of rituals, hunting, and activities that provide tribal cultural experiences by systematically planning these activities as well as to construct traditional buildings combined with in-depth tours and explanation services. Additionally, items with low authenticity should be operated and managed cautiously. The village can attain balance between tourism development and cultural preservation by introducing traditional cultural elements of tribal authenticity.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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