


Exploring the Sources of Safety Climate in Water-Based Recreation




鄭天明(Tien-Ming Cheng);陳美存(Mei-Tsun Chen);張永瑜(Yong-Yu Zhang)


水域遊憩活動 ; 安全氣候 ; 來源 ; 內容分析 ; 質化研究 ; Water-based recreation activity ; Safety climate ; Sources ; Content analysis ; Qualitative research




29卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


103 - 139






Safety is a key factor that safeguards recreationists when they participate in water-based recreation activities. Understanding the sources of safety in water-based recreation contexts is beneficial to clarifying what factors can enhance recreationists' perception of safety. There is a lack of previous studies about the perception of safety climate in water-based recreation. This study aims to explore the perception of the sources of safety in water-based recreation activities. Twenty respondents who engage in different water-based activities were chosen for in-depth interviews. Content analysis was employed and this study conceptualized the water-based recreation safety climate as consisting of five dimensions: recreational norms, recreational environment, recreational equipment, safety management, and personal safety involvement. The recreational norms include the requests for safety rules and practicing safety norms. The clear safety signage and the suitable recreational sites and activities are under the recreational environment category. The water-based recreation equipment, first aid equipment, and inspection and maintenance fall under the recreational equipment category. Safety management includes professional competency, recreational educational training, and responsibilities of the recreational manager. The results show that the personal safety involvement dimension consists of practicing self-safety and safe assistance for others. Managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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