


A Study on the Relationships among Taiwanese Opera Fans' Leisure Attitude, Leisure Motivation and Leisure Benefits: A Case Study of Northern Taiwan




黃玉琴(Yu-Chin Huang);楊德宣(De-Xuan Yang);陳俐欣(Li-Hsin Chen)


歌仔戲 ; 迷 ; 休閒態度 ; 休閒動機 ; 休閒效益 ; Taiwanese opera ; Fans ; Leisure attitude ; Leisure motivation ; Leisure benefits




30卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


91 - 131






This study seeks to 1) understand the current state of the Taiwanese opera fans' leisure attitude, leisure motivation, and leisure benefits, while investigating the preferences of fans of Taiwanese opera; 2) explore the effects of socio-demographic characteristics and consumer characteristics of Taiwanese opera fans on the relationship among their leisure attitude, leisure motivation, and leisure benefits; 3) construct and validate a structural model of the effect of leisure attitude on leisure motivation and leisure benefits; and 4) examine the causal relationships among leisure attitude, leisure motivation, and leisure benefits. The samples of this study were fans of Taiwanese opera in Tataocheng Theater. Purposive sampling was used. A total of 391 valid questionnaire responses were obtained. The proposed conceptual model was tested and it was found that the most of the Taiwanese opera fans are female, single, mostly working in the service industry, and have a college degree. Furthermore, the proposed model fit the data in an acceptable range. Structural Equation Modeling was conducted and the results showed that leisure attitude positively and significantly influences leisure motivation, and that both leisure motivation and leisure attitude positively and significantly influence leisure benefits.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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