"Central Cross-island Highway Backpacking Team" is a special backpacking activity in Taiwan. Previous studies have not completely identified the experience of "Central Cross-island Highway Backpacking Team-mates". Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine the experience of "Central Cross-island Highway Backpacking Team-mates". In-depth interviews were conducted with 32 participants. Through content analysis, the author extracted four dimensions of experience of "Central Cross-island Highway Backpacking Team-mates". The dimensions were: 1) Central Cross-island Highway, 2) people, 3) group life, and 4) activities. The "Central Cross-island Highway" dimension includes natural scene, history ,and humanity. The people dimension includes team-mates, aides and staff, and self. The group life dimension includes group activities and accommodation. Finally, the activity dimension includes classic activities and custom-made activities. Backpacking trends, managerial implications, and future research directions were also proposed.
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