


Differences in Willingness to Pay among Different Consumer Groups in Landscape Restaurants




廖文蘭(Wen-Lan Liao);林希軒(Si-Syun Lin);方進義(Chin-Yi Fang)


美感層級 ; 群組分析法 ; 願付額外價格平均百分比 ; Aesthetic level ; Cluster analysis ; Extra WTP (willingness to pay) percentage




30卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


111 - 153






There is an absence of research studying the relationship between consumers' aesthetic lifestyles and willingness to pay (WTP) in landscape restaurants. This study first explored the aesthetic lifestyles of landscape restaurant consumers in Taiwan using an aesthetic lifestyle questionnaire. A factor analysis was conducted to analyze the aesthetic lifestyle factors and extracted six main factors: 1) "Luxury consumption", 2) "DIY expert", 3) "Nature", 4) "Fashion", 5) "Environmental influence", and 6) "Image-molding." Respondents were divided into five groups using cluster analysis: 1) "Art practice", 2) "Elegant taste", 3) "Aesthetic consumption", 4) "Aesthetic primer", and 5) "Real life". Second, this study analyzed different aesthetic lifestyle consumer groups regarding the degree of preference and average extra WTP percentage for various types of landscape restaurants. Results showed that customers with higher preference would have higher average extra WTP percentage for different types of landscape restaurants. The attention given to landscape restaurants in terms of extra WTP percentage levels followed the same stratification as the aesthetic lifestyle factors. These customers are willing to pay an extra 10 to 20% of the price for landscape restaurants compared to regular restaurants.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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