


A Children's Environmental Behavioral Model Based on Travel Experience in Taiwan




曾慈慧(Tzuhui Angie Tseng);沈進成(Ching-Cheng Shen);陳鸞鳳(Luan-Feng Chen)


旅遊經驗 ; 環境態度 ; 環境行為 ; Travel experience ; Attitude towards environmental protection ; Pro-environmental behavior




31卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


85 - 120






As global tourism has flourished in recent decades, the opportunities for children to travel have also increased dramatically. However, there has been little research in the field of child tourism. Travel and outdoor environmental experiences in childhood can contribute to the formation of an individual's environmental attitudes and behavior. Therefore, this study explored the relationships between children's travel experiences and their attitudes and behavior. A total of 673 children aged 10-12 years in Hsinchu County completed a survey on their background information, travel experiences, environmental attitudes, and environmental behaviors. The study used stratified and purposive sampling, respectively, in two separate survey phases. The results showed the following: (1) children had spent more time in, and expressed a greater preference for, urban-based tourism than nature-based tourism; and (2) involvement in nature-based tourism had a significant positive influence on the their attitude towards environmental protection and on environmental behaviors. Engaging in urban-based tourism had no significant influence on either their attitude towards environmental protection or their behavior. Engaging in tourism based on outdoor recreation had a significant positive influence on the utilization aspect of children's attitudes towards environmental protection and their environmental behaviors. Based on the study findings, involvement in nature-based tourism could enhance the environmental protection attitudes and behaviors of children, compared with children who engage in urban-based or outdoor recreation-based tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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