


Impact of Natural Experiences on the Development of Affect and Naturalist Intelligence in Children




陳惠美(Hui-Mei Chen)


兒童發展 ; 福祉 ; 環境素養 ; 自然度 ; 父母的自然傾向 ; Children development ; Wellbeing ; Environmental literacy ; Naturalness ; Parents' natural inclination




34卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 36






Nature serves as a good learning environment for children, affecting their emotional, cognitive, and value development. This study aims to explore the impact of natural experiences on children's emotions and natural intelligence and compares these effects between children in urban and rural areas. In addition, it examines the influence of parents on children's natural experiences. A questionnaire was administered to children in grades 3-6 in New Taipei City. The results show that natural experiences promote children's affect by helping release stress, reducing negative emotions, enhancing positive emotions, and promoting happiness. Further, such experiences increase children's natural intelligence by enhancing their attention restoration, environmental attitudes, and action experiences. The study also shows that playing in a highly natural environment on weekends produces diverse psychological benefits for children. Parents' natural inclination was another crucial factor in children's natural experience. The comparative analysis reveals that differences in natural resources between urban and rural areas affect children's daily opportunities of natural experiences.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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