


The Impacts of Customers' Perceived Value for Landscape Restaurants on Behavior Intention and Willingness to Pay More




廖文蘭(Wen-Lan Liao)


擴充計劃行為理論 ; 價值態度行為模式 ; 景觀知覺與偏好 ; Extended theory of planned behavior ; Value-attitude-behavior model ; Landscape perception & preference




35卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


85 - 128






Consumers in Taiwan have gradually paid attention to leisure activities. Their favorite activity is to go outdoors on holiday or leisure time. Thus, the restaurant with unrivaled landscape and dining services has been booming. Furthermore, the numbers of landscape restaurants in Taiwan are growing year by year. The managers of landscape restaurants would face highly competitive markets. So it arises an important issue about how to attract customers to landscape restaurant. This study integrated the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior with the Value-Attitude-Behavior Model to explore the determinants of customers' behavioral intentions and willingness to pay more for landscape restaurants. The result showed that costumers' perceived value could impact consumers' behavior intention not only through attitude but also through subject norms, perceived behavior control, and landscape perception and preference. Perceived value could also impact willingness to pay more through attitude, subject norms and landscape perception and preference. Management implications and suggestions were also proposed based on the research results.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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