


Assessing the Price of Ecological Interpretation in Sheding Natural Park: Using Interval Regression Analysis with Selection Bias Adjustment




柳婉郁(Wan-Yu Liu);莊翔皓(Hisang-Hao Chung);林信維(Hsin-Wei Lin)


導覽解說 ; 願付價格 ; 樣本選擇模型 ; 支付卡法 ; Ecological interpretation ; Willingness to pay for ecological interpretation ; Sample selection model ; Payment card




35卷2期(2022 / 06 / 01)


91 - 122






This study corrected for sample selection bias and conducted Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to analyze Sheding Nature Park visitors' willingness to pay (WTP) for the eco-guided interpretation service and its related factors. The results showed that tourists are willing to pay NTD 105.24 per person for the guided interpretation. On average, tourists who have more children companions in need of care, have a background in forest/ecology/environment/natural resources and related fields, are more satisfied with the tour, and are female have higher WTP for the guided interpretation. By contrast, tourists with more companions or who are living in China have lower WTP for the guided interpretation. This study suggests that if the Kenting National Park Management Office starts to charge for the eco-guided interpretation service, it would need to provide a variety of contents. Moreover, the local culture, along with the guided interpretation, needs to be integrated to increase the WTP for the guided tour of Sheding Nature Park.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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