


Exploring the Value Context of Chinese Backpackers' Kinmen Battlefield Tourism




林正士(Cheng-Shih Lin)


戰地觀光 ; 價值 ; 方法目的鏈 ; 陸籍背包客 ; Battlefield tourism ; Value ; Means-end chain ; Chinese backpacker




35卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


25 - 70




隨著兩岸「民國熱」和戰爭史研究之興起,戰地襲產觀光已成為受歡迎的主題旅行,雖然已有戰地旅遊相關的研究,但針對特定族群或戰地觀光的價值追求、旅行特色與利益之間的連結仍待釐清。兩岸因戰爭史觀和意識型態不同,故探討陸客對特定戰地旅遊目的地(金門)之體驗與詮釋有其價值。本研究分析52位赴金門戰地景點旅遊陸籍背包客的訪談資料,利用方法目的鏈,探索陸客在戰地旅遊的價值、利益及屬性偏好。研究發現,吸引陸客戰地襲產觀光的特色因素共6項、結果共7項與價值追求共6種。由戰史館引發的解說與新奇再導致兩岸和平與增廣見聞價值是主要方法目的類型(Means-end Patterns, MEP)。而遊客之年齡、性別及與金門關聯性會影響屬性-結果-價值鏈的組成。本研究結果增進對陸客戰地觀光的特質、旅行偏好與價值追求的了解,並做為未來戰地觀光規劃的參考。


Battlefield heritage tourism has gained much popularity. Research on battlefield tourism, however, has yet clarified the relationships among the value pursuits, travel characteristics, and benefits derived by specific target populations. Because the narratives of war history on both sides of the strait are completely different. Therefore, this study examined data from interviews with 52 Chinese backpackers who had visited Kinmen. The means-end chain method applied to explore the tourists' values, consequences, and attribute preferences. The research findings revealed six attributes factors, seven travel consequences, and six value pursuits that attracted the Chinese backpackers. Attaining peace cross-strait and enrich knowledge value from novelty and interpretation, which comes from visiting war museum is the main MEP, respectively. Age, gender and connected with Kinmen before affected attribute compositions, consequences, and values linkage. This study is conducive to understanding the characteristics, preferences, and value pursuits of Chinese backpackers visited Kinmen. The findings can serve as a reference for segment of nationality in terms of planning future travel.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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