


Applying Content Analysis to Discuss the Destination Image Formation from Traveler-Generated Content: The Case of Five Cities in Asia




蔡秉恒(Ping-Heng Tsai);李沿儒(Yan-Ru Li);林耀欽(Yao-Chin Lin);蕭家稘(Chia Chi Hsiao )


遊客生成評論 ; 目的地印象形成 ; 對應分析 ; 文字探勘 ; 關聯分析 ; Traveler-generated content ; Destination image formation ; Correspondence analysis ; Text mining ; Association analysis




36卷3期(2023 / 09 / 01)


1 - 35






Several studies have confirmed that traveler-generated content (TGC) helps practitioners and researchers to understand destination image formation. TGC not only enables travelers to share their cognitive and affective opinions but also influences other travelers' destination selection through their conative images. This study collected 23,019 reviews on TripAdvisor to investigate the destination image formation related to five different cities, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, and Taipei. Based on the results of previous studies, we used content analysis and text mining to determine the cognitive, affective, and conative images. Consequently, the results illustrated the image differences among the cities projected onto the perceptual and association maps. Finally, we obtained two significant findings. Based on the perceptual map, travelers showed different image formations for the five Asian cities. Further, travelers projected their affective images based on the cognition and experiences related to their conative images. Travelers noted that the negative sentences with a negative image became a stimulus factor in encouraging them to participate in the experiences, which helped destination image formation.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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