


The Impact of Tourism Advertising Appeals and Element Combinations on Tourism Image and Intention to Visit




周軒逸(Hsuan-Yi Chou);黃湘涵(Hsiang-Han Huang);張欽富(Chin-Fu Chang)


轉型性廣告訴求 ; 資訊性廣告訴求 ; 文案字體 ; 景點圖片溫度 ; 解釋水平理論 ; Transformational advertising appeal ; Informational advertising appeal ; Advertising copy typefaces ; Temperature of destination images ; Construal level theory




37卷4期(2024 / 12 / 01)


61 - 96






Effective tourism advertisements require not only compelling content but also well-crafted design elements accompanied by visual stimuli. Drawing upon the construal level theory, this study examines how different advertising appeals (transformational vs. informational) are paired with advertising elements (advertising copy typefaces and the temperature of destination images) to evoke consumers' internalized tourism image effectively, consequently influencing their intention to visit. The results of three experiments reveal that transformational (vs. informational) advertising appeals more effectively evoke a positive tourism image in consumers' minds, thereby increasing their intention to visit. The use of machine typefaces strengthens the impact of transformational appeals on the cognitive aspect of tourism image, resulting in a higher intention to visit. Additionally, pairing cold (vs. warm) destination images with transformational appeals enhances their effects on the emotional aspect of tourism image, yielding a higher intention to visit. This study not only contributes to tourism advertising research and the construal level theory but also offers recommendations to tourism practitioners on achieving optimal advertising effects through diverse combinations of advertising elements.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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