题名 |
元延祐二年與五年進士輯錄 |
并列篇名 |
The Chin-shih Lists of 1315 and 1318: A Reconstruction |
10.6253/ntuhistory.1999.24.10 |
作者 |
蕭啟慶(Ch'i-Ch'ing Hsiao) |
关键词 |
科舉 ; 元朝 ; 進士錄 ; Civil service examinations ; Yuan dynasty ; List of chin-shih chin-shih lu |
期刊名称 |
臺大歷史學報 |
卷期/出版年月 |
24期(1999 / 12 / 01) |
页次 |
375 - 426 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
科舉是傳統中國的一個重要政治、社會與文化機制,「進士錄」則是研究中國近世政治、社會、文化史的重要史料。元朝科舉共舉行十六科,但僅有二科之進士錄現存於世,其餘各科之進士錄有待重構。本文為筆者重構元朝全部進士錄的部份成果,所含為最初二科(延祐二年與五年)的進士輯錄。輯錄自史籍、文集、筆記、石刻、方志中廣探史料。兩科共錄取進士106名,現經考定者為91人,佔原數的85.8%。本文所收進士相關資料,較歷代進士錄更為豐富,除一般進士錄所含有的進士姓名、生年、籍貫、族屬、父系祖先三代姓名及身分、初授官職外,盡可能亦錄入進士的師承、仕歷、著作、及姻親、兄弟與子孫的仕進,乃至旁系祖先之資料,希望藉此擴大此一重構進士錄在中國近世政治、社會、文化史研究中的價值。 |
英文摘要 |
The civil service examination system was an important political, social and cultural mechanism in traditional China. The ”Lists of chin-shih (the graduates of the metropolitan examinations)” (chin-shih-lu) published immediately after each examination have been considered invaluable sources in the study of the early modem Chinese history. While sixteen examinations were held during the Yuan dynasty (1260~1368), only the lists of two are still extant. This paper is one part of the results of author's reconstruction of all Yuan chin-shih lists and contains the lists of the chin-shih of the two earliest Yuban examinations (those of 1315 and 1318). The reconstruction has drawn widely from historical works, literary writings, collections of anecdotes, epigraphic materials, and local gazetteers. Out of the 106 chin-shihs conferred in these two examinations, the names and biographical data of 91 have been reconstructed, amounting to 85.8% of the total, The biographical data included in our reconstructed lists go much beyond those contained in the conventional chin-shih lists. In addition to chin-shih's names, registered places of residence, ages, spouses, the names and status of their lineal ancestors of the preceding three generations and their own initial appointment, we have included also in our list, as far as possible, The data on chin-shih's educational backgrounds, official careers, published and unpublished writings, and the status of their collaterals, marital relatives and descendants. Hopefully, the additional data will enhance the value of our reconstructed lists in the study of the the political, social, and cultural history of early modem China. |
主题分类 |
人文學 >
歷史學 |
参考文献 |
被引用次数 |