


A Critique of Cheng Jinzao's Theory That the Recovered Shiji Zhengyi is a Forgery




袁傳璋(Chuan-Zhang Yuan)


史記 ; 張守節 ; 史記正義佚存 ; 瀧川資言 ; 史記會注考證 ; 程金造 ; Shiji ; Takekawa KametarŌ ; recovered Shiji Zhengyi ; Cheng Jinzao ; textual criticism




25期(2000 / 06 / 01)


181 - 231






The Shi Zhengyi 史記正義, by Zhang Shoujie張守節, a Tang Dynasty scholar, is one of the most valuable classical commentaries on the Shiji (the Historical Records). The Song Dynasty collected Annotations by Three Scholars on the Shiji史記三家注drastically abridged the content of the Zhengyi, After the Collected Annotations became the standard edition, the Zhengyi sank into oblivion. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Japanese scholar Takekawa KametarŌ瀧川資言recovered more than a thousand missing annotations from the Zhengyi, which he found in marginal notes in ancient copies of the Shiji that had found their way to Japan. He later attached these to the corresponding passages in the Collected Annotations on and Examination of the Shiji史記會注考證, a philological effort that was greatly appreciated in scholarly circles. In the mid-2Oth century, Cheng Jinzao程金造 published an article in which he claimed that the recovered Zhen'i reported false events as true and was probably a forgery by the Japanese. Cheng's judgment has been regarded as authoritative and has enjoyed unquestioned prestige in academic circles. The present paper is a meticulous, critical re-examination of Cheng's thesis. It finds that the passage Cheng cited from Takekawa KametarŌ as the point of departure for his theory is problematic, having been deliberately altered in order to support Cheng's position. All the arguments based on it are thereby unsound. After carefully evaluating every example Cheng selected from the recovered Zhengyi to establish his theory, this paper concludes that far from being a forgery, the recovered Zhengyi represents the genuine work of Zhang Shoujie, brought into daylight after long obscurity. Takekawa KametarŌ deserves credit for his impressive philological achievement on behalf of Zhang Shoujie, and Cheng's theory must be rejected, so that it ceases to mislead scholars.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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