


The Life of Song Minqiu and His Histoical Writings




王德毅(Teh-Yi Wang)


家世 ; 藏書 ; 史學 ; 國史 ; 典制 ; Guoshi ; Shilu ; historical study ; institutions ; legal system




31期(2003 / 06 / 01)


123 - 140




宋代史學極盛,史家眾多,其能父子前後相繼修國史及實錄者,在北宋只有常山宋綬、敏求父子,如同漢之司馬談、遷,為當時士大夫所稱羨。 宋綬父名皋,娶宋初名儒楊徽之之獨生女,徽之家藏書甚富,死後全部贈給外孫宋綬。綬天資穎異而又好學,益增加藏書,官至參知政事,賜第京都春明坊,至敏求,歷三代經營,藏書已達三萬餘卷,外地士大夫喜讀書者,為便於借閱,多在春明坊或其附近賃屋以居,房舍租金竟較他處為高。 敏求自幼好古敏求,不以門第驕於人,而好賢下士,為歐陽修所稱。家中典藏唐代文獻最富,綬嘗編輯《唐大詔令集》,未及成而卒,敏求為之補訂分類,纂成一百三十卷。唐代諸帝之實錄自宣宗以下全缺,敏求為之補編。及仁宗詔修《唐書》,修書官王堯臣以敏求熟習唐代故實,乃薦之為編修官。後歐陽修專任刊修,亦常向敏求咨訪。英宗即位,詔修《仁宗實錄》,提舉實錄院韓琦薦敏求任編修官。神宗熙寧二年(1069),司馬光任史館修撰,欲修《皇朝百官公卿表》,推薦敏求為同修。至十年,詔修仁宗及英宗《兩朝國史》,由宰相吳充提舉,敏求任修國史,並兼宗正寺修玉牒官,先修成帝紀草進呈。元豐二年(1079)敏求病逝時,《百官公卿表》及《兩朝國史》尚未修成,而於兩年多後,先後成書,敏求家皆得到銀絹之賜。 敏求一生著作甚富,平日於朝章國典甚留意,奉詔編修《閣門儀注》、《蕃國朝貢條例》,編成《蕃夷朝貢錄》,詳定《元正朝賀儀注》,於典制多所規畫。又於地志亦留意,修成《東京記》、《長安志》、《河南志》,於漢唐及宋之京城皆有詳細的記述。又記平生當官所聞見,有《三川下官錄》、《入蕃錄》及《春明退朝錄》,均有功於當代文獻。此外又參與編修《續國朝會要》、《元豐九域志》,雖未克就,仍是有貢獻的。如此淵博的史學家,求之古今中外,實不易多見。


Succeeding his father, Song Shou, as the chief editor of the Guoshi and Shih-lu of the Song Dynasty, Song Minqiu was one of the best historians during the period of Northern Song. Song Minqiu was very devoted to ancient learning when he was young. Though a man of noble birth, Song was always modest and unassuming. He had very good reputation in the intellectual circle, and received high praise from Ouyang Xiu. With a good collection of historical sources on the Tang Dynasty, Song finished the edition of Tang Ta Zhaolin ji, a work that had been started by his father. And he tried to complete the Shilu of the late Tang Dynesty. Song Minqiu was later appointed as chief editor of Tang Shu by Emperor Song Zhengzong. Henceforth, he worked closely with Ouyang Xiu. After the accession of Song Yinzung, he was commissioned to write the Shilu of Song Zhengzung. In 1096, Song Minqiu was recommended by Sima Guang to work on Huangchao Baiguang Gongqing Biao. Eight years later he was appointed by the emperor editor-in-chief of Liangzhao Guoshi. When he died in 1079, both Huangchao Baiguang Gongqing Biao and Liangzhao Guoshi were unfinished: they were published after another two years. The voluminous works of Song Minqiu include Gomen Yizhu, Fang-gao Zhaogong Tiaoli, Fanyi Zhaogong Lu, Yuan Zhengzhao Heyi Zhu, etc. He was especially good at legal history and the study of official institutions. And, he was a geographer as well; his Dongjing Ji, and Henan Ji provided detailed information on the capitals of the Han, Tang and Song Dynasties. Sanchuang Xiaguang Lu, Rufan Lu and Chunmin Tuichao Lu were the memories of his official life. These include important data for the study of the Song Dynasty. Song Minqiu was also co-editor of Xu Guozhao Huiyao and Yuanfeng Jiucheng Zhi. He was a great scholar whose works were comparable with the very best.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
  1. 永樂大典。大化書局影印本。
  2. 文獻通考。經藉考
  3. 王安石。臨川集。四部叢刊本。
  4. 王應麟。玉海。大化書局影印合璧本。
  5. 司馬光。司馬溫國文公集。四部叢書刊,65
  6. 玉海。熙寧百官公卿表
  7. 玉海。唐武宗實錄 | 宋朝續唐錄
  8. 名臣碑傳琬琰集。宋諌議墓誌銘,16
  9. 朱弁。曲洧舊聞。知不足齋叢書本。
  10. 宋史。大朝會儀
  11. 宋史。入閣儀
  12. 宋敏求。春明退朝錄
  13. 宋敏求。長安志
  14. 宋會要輯稿。儀制
  15. 李燾。續資治通鑑長編。世界書局影印本。
  16. 杜大珪。名臣碑傳琬琰集,7
  17. 杜佑。通典。大化書局影印清刻本。
  18. 直齋書錄解題。仁宗實錄
  19. 直齋書錄解題。新唐書
  20. 紀昀。四庫全書總目提要。臺灣商務印書館影印武英殿本。
  21. 徐松。河南志
  22. 徐松輯。宋會要輯稿。新文豐出版公司影印本。
  23. 晃沖之。晃具茨先生詩集,首
  24. 晁公武。郡齋讀書志。四部叢刊續編本。
  25. 晁說之。嵩山文集,16
  26. 張邦基。墨莊漫錄。四部叢刊續編本。
  27. 畢仲游。西臺集。叢書集成新編本。
  28. 脫脫。宋史。鼎文書局影印新校本。
  29. 通考。
  30. 陳振孫。直齋書錄解題。四庫全書本。
  31. 陸友仁。研北雜志
  32. 章定。名賢氏族言行類稿。四庫全書本。
  33. 曾鞏。元豐類稿。四部叢刊本。
  34. 歐陽修。新唐書。鼎文書局影印新校本。
  35. 歐陽修。歐陽文忠公集,43
  36. 錢穆。唐代貢舉制。國史大綱,第24章第1目
  37. 龍圖閣直學修國史宋公神道碑。蘇魏公集
  38. 薛居正。舊五代史。鼎文書局影印新校本。
  39. 蘇頌。蘇魏公文集。青友出版社印本。
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