


Specialties and Comprehensive Understanding: Zhang Xuecheng's Approach to the Traditional Scholarship and Qian Mu's interpretation on It




許松源(Song-Yuan Shu)


章學誠 ; 文史通義 ; 經史之學 ; 史學 ; 錢穆 ; Zhang Xuecheng ; Wenshi tongyi ; Jiaochou tongyi 校讎通義 ; Chinese traditional historiography ; Qian Mu




37期(2006 / 06 / 01)


267 - 300






The issue of the relationship between Jing (經, the Classics or classical scholarship) and Shi (史, Traditional historiography or historical scholarship) has been the blind spot in contemporary studies of Zhang Xuecheng's (章學誠) scholarship. Researchers, who are scarcely able to reflect on the concepts of knowledge that are presupposed by modern philosophies of history or theories of historical science, are inclined to interpret Zhang's doctrine ”The Classics are all the governmental documentation in high antiquity (六經皆史, Liujing jie shi)” by employing ideas they derive from modern philosophies of history or theories of historical science. Those ideas, however, do not dovetail with Chinese traditional historical scholarship in terms of intellectual essence and properties. By pitting one against another, they inevitably mislead us about Jing and Shi as opposed intellectual points of view. Qian Mu's (錢穆) interpretation of Zhang's scholarship, in my opinion, is most conducive to resolving the abovementioned issue because Qian Mu properly and profoundly grasps the main ideas of Zhang's scholarship by appealing to Zhang's own contentions about ”specialties (專家, Zhuanjia) and comprehensive understanding (通識, Tongshi)” ”Specialties” is a fundamental intellectual idea that Zhang formulates through his clarifying the essence and characteristics of every kind of traditional scholarship, and his working out their identical origin and diverse developments and changes of later times. In fact, in many paragraphs referring to ”Jing and Shi” in his writings, Zhang does discuss the various ”specialties” contained within Jing or Shi scholarly writings, not the so called Categories of Jing or Shi of later times, These various ”specialties,” through which scholars study not only Jing writings but also Shi writings, are actually shared by the two Categories of Jing or Shi. Because writings of diverse Categories share these specialties, Zhang pursues and argues for a principle of thinking and learning according to which men of learning should try studying various kinds of specialties, making use of one another in order to widen their scope of learning and extend their horizon of thinking, ultimately comprehending scholarship as a whole. What is most valuable in the writing of ”General Principles of Literaure and History” (《文史通義》, Wenshi tongyi), Qian Mu remarks, is that Chang can interpret and illuminate the meaning of every kind of scholarship from the viewpoint of scholarship as a whole. This underscores what Chang asserts: ”Comprehending Dao requires learning scholarship as a whole, and meanwhile, learning itself requires specializing in one certain kind or some different kinds of specialties,” (道欲通方, 而業須專一) which reveals that Zhang's approach to scholarship stresses the importance both of ”specialties” and ”comprehensive understanding.”

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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