


From Center to Margin: Shang-jing in the Transformation of the Jurchen Polity in the 12th and 13th Centuries




徐秉愉(Ping-Yu Hsu)


女真 ; 金朝 ; 上京 ; 金熙宗 ; 金海陵帝 ; 金世宗 ; 金章宗 ; Jurchen ; Jin dynasty ; Shang-jing上京 ; Hai-ling海陵 ; Shi-zong世宗 ; Zhang-zong章宗




39期(2007 / 06 / 01)


185 - 232






Hui-ning (會寧) was made the Supreme Capital (Shang-jing, 上京) of the Jurchen Jin dynasty by the second emperor, Tai-zong (太宗, r.1123-1235). Along with the construction of the palaces and government buildings, was the establishment of the imperial institution. Shang-jing and the surrounding area was the heartland of the Jurchen Chin regime, until the fourth emperor, Hai-ling (海陵, r.1149-1161), moved the capital to Yan-jing (燕京) in North China in 1153. Yan-jing was named Central Capital (Zhong-du, 中都), and Shang-jing's status was downgraded. Hai-ling also forced many Jurchen princes and their meng-an mou-k'e (猛安謀克) to move to North China. It severed the close connection between the Jurchen polity and their native land. The fifth emperor, Shi-zong (世宗, r.1161-1189), chose to take control of the imperial seat in Zhong-du, but restored the status of Shang-jing for its significance to the Jurchen people and its pivotal location in the defense system in the border region. This pivotal status was lost in the reign of the sixth emperor, Zhang-zong (章宗, r. 1189-1208), because a different strategy was adopted to confront the challenges of the Mongols. Shang-jing and the surrounding area fell into the hands of a Khitan rebel after Chinggis Khan's first attack in 1211. This made the Jurchens' retreat to their homeland impossible. When comparing the Jurchens to the Khitans and the Mongols, scholars tend to stress the impact of adopting Chinese political institutions on the later development of these three people after their regimes ended in China. A detailed account of the changing roles of Shang-jing should help to clarify how other aspects of the development of the Jurchen polity affected the history of the Chin dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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