


Chuan Han-sheng: Pioneer Thinker of Modern Chinese Economic History and Globalization




陳慈玉(Tsu-Yu Chen)


全漢昇 ; 中國經齊史 ; 中央研究院 ; 國際貿易 ; 工業化 ; 全球化 ; Chuan Han-sheng 全漢昇 ; Chinese economic history ; Academia Sinica ; international trade ; industrialization ; economic globalization




39期(2007 / 06 / 01)


77 - 106




全漢昇先生獻身於中國經濟史研究逾六十年,他的學術貢獻深受同道重視推崇。他畢生孜孜不息,從1930年代開始華路藍縷,窮研史料,挖掘新問題,開拓新領域;並且不斷地吸取西方經濟史研究的新觀念與新成果,同時盡心提攜後進,可說他以一己之力帶動了中國經濟史研究的新風氣,開拓了新視野,提昇了研究水準。回顧二十世紀此學術領域的發展,他的耕耘足跡歷歷在目。 固然他在長達六十多年的學術生涯中,研究重心有所不同,但治學態度始終如一並且有其連貫性。如果以他所研究的時代來劃分的話,民國三十八年(1949)以前,他的研究範圍上溯漢末,下及元代,而以唐宋經濟史為主;此年以後專注於明清近代經濟的探討。如以他工作的地點來觀察,則1949~1965年主要是在臺灣,1965~1995年在香港任教。他所研究的議題包括貨幣經濟、物價、財政、城市、經濟組識、交通運輸、國內商業、國際貿易以及近代工業化等,綿長遼闊,成果豐碩。全漢昇登上歷史研究的舞臺時,適值中國社會經濟史研究的興起並走向黃金時代,當時學界展開了1920年代末期到1930年代的中國社會史論戰。他以踏實嚴謹的態度研究唐宋經濟史,指出漢末以後到唐代中葉以前的中古時期很明顯地可自成一個段落,與此時期以前及以後是不同階段的社會,此點有力地反駁了社會停滯論者。而在全球化議題發燒的今日,我們重新檢視他對近代中國經濟史的貢獻,發現到他的國際貿易與工業化研究是下意識地省思此現象,就此意義而言,其研究可說具有前瞻性。


Mr. Chuan Han-sheng (全漢昇) was dedicated to Chinese economic history research for more than sixty years. He was a highly respected scholar in this field. Since the 1930's, he researched original historical records, attacked new problems, and pioneered new fields; at the same time he also studied and applied the new knowledge and concepts of European economic history to Chinese history. In addition to serving as a research fellow at Academia Sinica, he was a prominent professor at several universities and taught many students. He emphasized different topics during his academic career. In early age (before 1949) in mainland China, he concentrated on the early period of Chinese economic development, from about 300 AD to 1200 AD. Afterwards, when he was in Taiwan (l949~l965) and Hong Kong (1965~1995), most of Mr. Chuan's effort was on the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties' economic history. His fields of interest included: treasury, price, finance, economic organization, transportation, domestic commerce, international trade, and industry modernization. Early in the twentieth century in China, there were various approaches to diagnosing social and economic problems. Many scholars tried to promote Marx's theory to achieve social justice and economic improvement. Mr. Chuan disputed their thinking and argued, from the lessons of Chinese history, that that approach would only sustain the social and economical stagnation of China. His academic achievements on international trade and industrialization reflected on Chinese economic history under globali-zation. In today's terminology, he was really a pioneer of thinking about economic globalization.

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