


Reminiscence in the Wei Dynasty and Succession between Wei and Qi Dynasty




胡勝源(Sheng-Yuen Hu)


魏晉南北朝 ; 高歡 ; 高澄 ; 高洋 ; 人心思魏 ; Wei ; Jin and Southern & Northern Dynasties ; Gao Huan高歡 ; Gao Cheng高澄 ; Gao Yang高洋 ; reminiscence in the Wei Dynasty




42期(2008 / 12 / 01)


1 - 43




高洋欲代東魏建立北齊,卻遭遇龐大的反對浪潮,學界大多以眾人皆輕視高洋做為解釋的切入點。對此,本文則有另一層面的思考。本文認為,高歡臨死前的遺願是希望高澄、高洋兄弟能與勳貴一起支撐東魏政權,但高氏兄弟相繼執掌大權後,皆為彌補自身威望不足,不惜違背父訓,競相以建立新政權的方式鞏固權力基礎。 然而,早在高澄禪代籌劃初期,核心幕僚陳元康就直指此事不可行,理由是「時事未可」。而高洋大張旗鼓欲取魏代之的動作,更遇到一波又一波的勸阻聲浪,不僅其母婁昭君以「天位不可妄據」為由,堅決反對,諸勳貴與鄴都群臣也都極力苦勸,致使高洋不得不屈從於公意,暫時中止篡位。最後高洋雖仍遂行移鼎之事,卻是採取突襲手段,在短短七天的時間裡,營造出大勢底定的局面,讓眾人無法再有異議。眾人之所以極力阻擋高洋篡位,並非質疑高洋沒有能力扮演好皇帝的角色,而是根本就不相信人心所向的東魏政權已然行至退場時刻。從而,高洋雖順利登上帝位,但人心對魏朝依然眷戀,也深深影響了北齊初期政治的發展傾向。


When Gao Yang (高洋) planned to establish the Northern Qi and thus replace the Eastern Wei Dynasty, he met with widespread opposition. One general explanation of the academic circle is that he was the scorn of people. This study proposes another explanation: Gao Huan (高歡) had wished that, before his death, Gao Cheng (高澄), brother Gao Yang, and the nobles would together maintain the Eastern Wei Dynasty. In bolstering their personal prestige, Gao Cheng and Gao Yang dominated the court in succession. They took whatever means, even disobeying the words of their father, and competed in establishing a new dynasty to strengthen their power. Early in the planning stage of Gao Cheng's change of dynasty effort, his core staff member Chen Yuan-Kang (陳元康) said frankly that it couldn't be done, because ”the time is not ripe.” Gao Yang's pressing of his change of dynasty plan also created discouragement about succession, which was protested by his mother Lou Zhao-Ju n (婁昭君) who said, ”never consider seizing the throne,” but accepted by nobles and courtiers, which made Gao Yang listen to public opinion and suspend his plan of seizing the throne. Nevertheless he eventually did push the change of dynasty; he finalized the plan quickly within 7 days to avoid the swirling objections. The reason why people tried to stop Gao Yang from seizing the throne was not because Gao Yang would not be a good king, but because they did not believe it was time for the Eastern Wei regime to fall. As a result, people were still obsessed by the Wei Dynasty even though Gao Yang's succession to the throne went smoothly, which in turn profoundly affected the early political tendency of Northern Qi Dynasty.

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