


Observing America: American Images in Taiwan Elites' Writings and the American Educational Exchange Programs, 1950-1970




趙綺娜(Ena Chao)


教育交換 ; 冷戰 ; 美國公共外交 ; 美臺關係 ; Educational exchange ; Cold war ; US public diplomacy ; US-Taiwan relations




48期(2011 / 12 / 01)


97 - 163






Some three thousand Taiwanese visited the United States through various U.S. educational exchange programs from 1951 through 1970. These programs were aimed at promoting knowledge and confidence in American political, economic and cultural institutions and foreign policy among people in Taiwan. Many people wrote about their experiences during and after their visits, some accounts even got published. The U.S. Government expected that Taiwanese ”leaders” or ”experts” would come to understand ”American way of life” by their visits and that through their writings and speeches they would publicize their experiences in the United States among the Taiwanese people. In terms of public diplomacy, the educational exchange practice worked well for the U.S. Government. Many Taiwanese visitors had positive images of America from their visits and their images of America were similar to the self-images of the US that the American information officials promoted overseas. But, Taiwanese visitors viewed American society through the refracting lenses of their own cultures and of their own immediate purposes.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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