


Dynamics of Different Political Policies: From Southeast Mutual Protection to Guangdong and Guangxi Independence




陳學然(Hok-Yin Chan)


東南互保 ; 兩廣獨立 ; 李鴻章 ; 孫中山 ; 港督卜力 ; 莎侯 ; 霍必瀾 ; East South Mutual Protection ; Guangdong and Guangxi independent ; Li Hong Zhang ; Sun Yat-sen ; Henry Arthur Blake ; Marquess of Salisbury ; Pelham L. Warren




49期(2012 / 06 / 01)


65 - 109






This research explores the dynamics of the China policy discordance amongst the British Government, the British officials in China and the governors of Hong Kong Colonial Administration during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. By focusing on how the British officials reached an agreement on ”Southeast Mutual Protection” with viceroys and governors in the eastern and southern Chinese provinces and how they instigated independence for Guangdong and Guangxi by controlling southern Chinese provinces as their main aim, this research aims to understand: (1) The underlying reasons behind the passive reactions of the British government towards her own China policy in the Far East; (2) The political stance reflecting the complexities of the political climate of the time that the British officials in China held in dealing with the viceroys and governors in the eastern and southern Chinese provinces; and (3) The role that Dr. Sun Yat-sen had played when interacting with Blake and Li Hong Zhang and the political means he used during the Boxer Rebellion. The findings provide insight into the reasons why various actors demonstrated discord in the implementation of the China policy and allow understanding of the real dynamics behind the causes of different political measures in the 1900s and the many complicated, underlying factors that affected them.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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