


To Combine Literary and Military Talents: Literati's Participations in Military Affairs in the Late Tang China




方震華(Cheng-Hua Fang)


才兼文武 ; 儒將 ; 杜牧 ; 兵學 ; 文士 ; Confucian generals ; Du Mu (杜牧) ; literati ; To Combine Literary and Military Talents ; military learning




50期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 31






For officials during the Tang Dynasty, achieving military credits was an important way to obtain promotions. For this reason, officials with civil background would still choose to participate in military missions. In the first half of the Tang Dynasty, the fact that some officials moved back and forth between civil and military positions has attracted the attention of modern historians. After the An Lushan Rebellion (755-763), however, professional soldiers expanded their power, while the court failed to control the armies effectively. Under this circumstance, most civil officials lost the opportunity to manage military affairs, but some of them still attempted to follow the early Tang tradition. Through providing military opinions to the court and advocating military learning among literati, some civil officials tried to regain military leadership. In their mind, appointing civil officials to military command positions could undermine the influence of military men and strengthen the imperial authority. In the second half of the Tang, thus, when the emperor tried to expand the central authority, he could appoint civil officials to manage expeditions against insubordinate military governors. However, due to the fact that late Tang civil elite usually lacked military talents, most civil commanders failed to achieve substantial credits. Thus, the efforts literati made to regain military leadership failed to increase the ruling power of Tang court. Along with the significant decline of Tang central authority in the late ninth century, the military participations of civil officials also came to an end.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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