This article is divided into 2 sections, the selection of Royal Palace maidservants and the discharge of these maidservants. In the early Ming dynasty, royal palace maidservants were selected from larger areas, such as the Northern and Southern Zhili provinces, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong and surrounding areas. After 1540, the selection areas were limited to Peking city and Northern Zhili. Even after 1560, they were only selected in the vicinity of Peking City. Prior to the mid-Ming, literacy was required in the selection process. However, after the mid-Ming, it was not explicitly stated. As for the discharge of the maidservants, the general practice in the early Ming dynasty was that they were free after certain years of service. But this policy was not enforced. When Emperor Yingzong ascended to the throne in 1435, he extensively released the maidservants. Afterwards it became an unwritten law. All of the following emperors released numerous maidservants. The last event recorded in 1621. In 1564, the number of royal palace maidservants was 2575. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty had mentioned the number of late Ming dynasty's maidservants twice: once it was around nine thousand, and the other time it was twenty thousand. The numbers were an obvious exaggeration. In reality, the living space area in the Forbidden City did not have the capacity for such a large number of maidservants.