


The Granting Procedures of Yimin Status after the Outbreak of the Zhu Yigui Uprising in Qing Taiwan




李文良(Wen-Liang Lee)


臺灣 ; 社會動亂 ; 義民 ; 朱一貴事件 ; 旌表




51期(2013 / 06 / 01)


81 - 117






History of Qingperiod Taiwan was rife with cycles of disturbances, yimin pacification and government bestowal. Clarifying this cycle will provide a clue to understand the interactive relationship between the state and the society. This paper elaborates on the political process of awarding yimin status, which was regarded unprecedented by Qing’s central officials, to castlight on its nature and impact on local control and social development. This paper argues that Qing’s official document bestowed upon yimin was not the ”yimin directive” (yiminzhafu) which have been pervasively recognized by scholars as to show their state-recognized status. Rather, the documents were in reality certificates of low-level military position’s qualification. The impact of the yimin bestowment, therefore, was that the official documents accredited via legal procedures turned yimin from ”civilians” into ”official,” thereby opening the yimin’s way to become gentry or petty officials. This channel was particularly important for the Guangdong immigrants who were seriously impeded in their rights to land and civil examinations by the more powerful Fujian immigrants and neighbors.The awarding of yimin in Taiwan can be traced to the Zhu Yiqui Uprising in 1721 when, on the one hand, a massive Qing force was dispatched to Taiwan to pacify the situation and, on the other hand, the Qing government also differentiated the rebel forces through their commission to yimin groups. The social control exercised by the Qing government via yimin’s ”public commendation” (jingbiao) and ”honors and awards” (jiangxu) was very successful. Once local disturbances broke out, the local society soon assembled yimin groups in distinction from the rebel groups. Even when Taiwan’s population and economy gradually expended in the mid-Nineteenth Century, the number of Qing troops stationed in Taiwan had remained at roughly the same level as in early Qing. Indeed, the recommendation and bestowment of yimin actions were the foundation for the government to maintain social stability in a geographically marginal and socio- and militarily-weak Qing Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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