


The Grandeur of the Empire: Emperor Yongle’s Political Culture and Cultural Politics




王鴻泰(Hung-Tai Wang)


朱棣 ; 永樂大典 ; 四書大全 ; 五經大全 ; 性理大全 ; 儒學正統 ; Zhu Di ; Yongle Dadian ; Sishu Daquan ; Wujing Daquan ; Xingli Daquan ; Confucian orthodoxy




57期(2016 / 06 / 01)


117 - 181






Since Zhu Di ascended to the throne by usurpation, he then contemplated justifying the legitimacy of his rule through Confucianism so as to fabricate himself as a great emperor. This kind of construction of political culture gradually shaped the cultural politics. Therefore, from the following four aspects, this paper attempts to analyze Emperor Yongle’s cultural and educational policies that were not only the most important political missions during his reign but also crucial methods by which the grandeur of the Great Ming Empire was constructed. Firstly, the military force, and cultural politics: depicting the historical images of Emperor Yongle and investigating the root and purpose of his cultural and educational policies. Secondly, the Fang Xiaoru obstacle: analyzing the problem of legitimacy of this new imperial court that Emperor Yongle confronted after his usurpation of the throne, and also the tough situation of his cultural and educational policies after Fang Xiaoru was sentenced to death by him. Thirdly, ruling by ritual and music, and the tradition of sage rulers: discussing how Emperor Yongle established and stabilized the legitimacy of his rule through discourses on ritual and music, how he created images of sage rulers for Emperor Hongwu and himself, and what kind of systematic Emperor’s Learning he formulated. Fourthly, Confucian orthodoxy and orthodox Confucianism: examining how Emperor Yongle made Confucianism orthodox by compiling Sishu Daquan, Wujing Daquan, and Xingli Daquan, and how this orthodox Confucian ideology dominated scholarly developments during the early Ming dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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