


The Political Space of the Western Han Weiyang Palace




黃怡君(Huang, Yi-chun)


未央宮 ; 政治空間 ; 省中 ; 禁中 ; 省官 ; Weiyang Palace ; political space ; Inner Apartments ; Forbidden Apartments ; officials working in the Inner Apartments




60期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 56






Weiyang Palace (未央宮) consisted of many building complexes. Among them, Inner Apartments refers to areas that were under strict access control. Based on administration records, this research looks at the spatial arrangement and functionality of the palace, and examines facilities that were located in the Inner Apartments and outside the Inner Apartments, respectively. According to the access control and different functionality of each facility, the political space of Weiyang Palace could be divided into three layers: the inner, the middle, and the outer. This distribution somehow differs from the physical space, as the physical space suggests a binary division of the palace into the Inner Apartments and the rest outside the Inner Apartments. This indicates that the political space is actually flexible and could be altered by emperors' activities. Generally speaking, the Front Hall (前殿) is usually used to separate the palace into a south and a north part. The outer layer is in the south part; the middle and the inner layers are both in the north part, and the layout resembles the Chinese character 回. The outer layer includes various halls, such as Front Hall, Xuanshi (宣室), and south of Front Hall are Wutai (武臺), Qutai (曲臺), Gaomen (高門), and Baihu (白虎). These halls are for emperors to hold important rituals, meet ministers and ambassadors, and attend ceremonies. Also, this entire layer belongs to the area outside the Inner Apartments, and access was usually granted to ministers. On the other hand, the inner layer is what we consider as "imperial harem" and lies inside the Inner Apartments. It is emperor's personal space, but sometimes the emperor would work on government affairs with the help of eunuchs in this space, too. What is more unique is the middle layer that surrounds the inner layer: it extends into both the Inner Apartments and the place outside the Inner Apartments. First, the middle layer could also be divided into a south and a north part based on different functions, and each part is composed by various facilities as well. Featuring Wenshi Hall (溫室殿) and Yutang Hall (玉堂殿), the south part is mainly the place where emperors would work on government affairs and engage in confidential conversations. Wenshi Hall lies at the south of the Inner Apartments, and the Imperial Secretariat and Attending Secretaries usually would assume their duties outside the Inner Apartments but near the apartment gate. Similarly, Gentleman of the Yellow Gate would await their orders outside the Inner Apartments but near the apartment gate at Yutang Hall, west of Front Hall. Meanwhile, the north part includes the Palace Private Library, which is consisted of Tianlu Pavilion (天祿閣) that lies in the Inner Apartments and Shiqu Pavilion (石渠閣) outside the Inner Apartments. The north part also includes Chengming Hall (承明殿), a place emperors would meet scholars and intellectuals and lies inside the Inner Apartments. At the same time, the north part includes facilities outside the Inner Apartments where the scholars and intellectuals would await for the emperor's summons, such as Chengming Dorm (承明廬), Jinma Gate (金馬門), and Huanzhe Office (宦者署).

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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