The Imperial Brush (御筆) rampant under the rule of Song Huizong (宋徽宗) caused significant impact in many respects. And, the punishment for violation of the Imperial Brush (違御筆責罰) played a key role. In the beginning, the punishment was a misdemeanor for violation of the system (違制). Soon afterwards, the punishment was changed to Ten Abominations of great irreverence (十惡大不恭) and was strengthened gradually, which reflected Huizong's will to show the power of the Emperor. According to past studies, powerful official Tsai Ching (蔡京) was thought to have established and benefited by the punishment for violation of the Imperial Brush. However, the decision to implement the punishment was made by Huizong. Other officials and eunuchs nevertheless abused the punishment to intimidate people such that great harm was caused. After Huizong abdicated, the punishment was abolished. In the Southern Song, the Imperial Brush still existed, but the punishment was never reestablished.