


The Development of Historiography of Ancient Egyptian




徐詩薇(Hsu, Shih-wei)


古埃及 ; 史學研究 ; 國王銘文 ; 傳記銘文 ; 埃及熱 ; Ancient Egypt ; Historiography ; Royal inscriptions ; Biographies ; Egyptomania




63期(2019 / 06 / 01)


235 - 290






This paper aims to discuss ancient Egyptian historiography and its documents and records. In contrast to other ancient civilizations, there was no so-called chronicle or historical book in ancient Egypt due to their concept of time. Many historians seek to rebuild the history of ancient Egypt relying on records written by Greek and Roman historians, geographers and explorers. With their obsession with ancient Egypt, the so-called "Egytomania" and decipherment of hieroglyphs, people are interested in ancient Egyptian culture. Through excavations in Egypt, many documents have been discovered; the texts could be understood und translated. Among these documents, one finds records concerning history, which are preferred by Egyptologists. This paper is divided into two parts: The first part will be focused on the definition of ancient Egyptian history from the descriptions of ancient Egypt by classical historians, geographers, explorers, and philosophers. How did they try to rebuild the history of ancient Egypt? Furthermore, after Napoleon occupied Egypt, what kind of influence did he bring to the European academic world? The establishment of Egyptology became a popular phenomenon in Europe. Different well-trained Egyptologists tried to reconstruct ancient Egyptian history. The second part will examine what kinds of documents could help to rebuild history? What genres of texts are historical? Royal inscriptions, biographies, historical literature etc. are typical resources which depict directly and indirectly diverse historical events. Their characteristics and importance will be discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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