


Crime and City: An Analysis of Theft in Chongqing City during the Tongzhi Reign in the Qing Dynasty




巫仁恕(Wu Jen-Shu);吳景傑(Wu Jingjie)


重慶 ; 竊盜 ; 城市化 ; 巴縣檔案 ; 歷史犯罪學 ; Chongqing ; Theft ; Urbanization ; Ba County Archives ; Historical Criminology




67期(2021 / 06 / 01)


7 - 53






Based on an analysis of the theft cases in Ba County from 1862 to1875, this essay discusses the relationship between criminal behavior and urbanization in China in the mid-19th century from a variety of perspectives. During this period, Chongqing's urbanization rate reached 19-20%, and the proportion of burglary cases in the city rose from 19% in the mid-18th century to 33% in the mid-19th century. Burglaries in Chongqing were concentrated in five of the city's commercial and administrative centers. The main method of burglary in the city was to break through doors or windows, while theft in the countryside mainly was by damaging walls, which reflected the difference between the urban and rural environments. Moreover, the different types of houses in the city had different weaknesses in burglary prevention. Few houses were not vulnerable to theft. The stolen goods taken in the city, the items were more expensive and diverse than those taken in the countryside, reflecting the gap in the level of material consumption between people in the cities and rural areas. The city was full of shops and inns bustling with people, illustrating the higher visibility and accessibility of objects to be targeted by thieves than in the countryside. There were mechanisms in place in the city to prevent theft, i.e. fences and constables. However, such preventive mechanisms were not 100% effective. Many victims of theft actually suspected the police of colluding with the burglars, but the present study of Chongqing disclosed few known cases of police cover up for or collusion with the burglars. The above results illustrate how the development of urbanization affected the occurrence of crime in China.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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